Welcome to Holy Cross Preschool
Our Vision
Holy Cross School will offer each child an environment in which to feed their curiosity, to learn joyfully, and to view the world around them with wonder.
Our Mission
As an ELCA institution, Holy Cross Lutheran Preschool provides pre-K children a safe place to learn and thrive. Our core values of integrity, inclusion, and kindness shape meaningful learning experiences and encourage children to take social, emotional, and cognitive risks.
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to read parent testimonials!
Holy Cross Preschool welcomes all prospective students and families to our Open House on Tuesday, February 4th at 6:00pm.
Registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin on Monday, February 3rd.
Holy Cross Preschool is a non-profit, faith-based preschool, a ministry of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, ELCA, serving Menomonee Falls, Germantown, Sussex, Brookfield, and North-West Milwaukee. Holy Cross is a state licensed 3K / 4K preschool facility that offers:
Small class sizes
Two classrooms
An outdoor fenced-in playground
A large gym
Music and creative movement
Chapel time
Field trips
Introduction to technology
Foreign language
We meet health and safety standards that ensure your child will be safe.
Board of Education
Holy Cross Preschool is governed by the Preschool Board of Education. Board members are chosen by Holy Cross Preschool parents for the school year, and then affirmed by the Holy Cross Lutheran Church congregation at the church’s annual meeting in January. The Preschool Board of Education includes the Preschool Administrator/Director, a Pastor from Holy Cross Lutheran Church and five to seven members. To be elected to the Board, you must be either a voting member of the congregation or a current/past parent of a child attending the Preschool. The Board has many functions including setting school policies, hiring staff, establishing tuition, fees and salaries, fundraising on behalf of the Preschool, assisting with school social activities and more. The Board meets monthly or as needed. Parents are welcome at the meetings.

2024-2025 Preschool Board
President: Angie Sadowsky
Secretary: Alicia Levin-Skvarenina
Finance Administrator: Kristi Bonnell
Administrator/Director: Tammy Seidemann
Church Advisor: Pastor D. Andy Fetters
Member-at-Large: Amanda Sarnow
Member-at-Large: Ashley Ibrahem
Member-at-Large: Alyssa Badalamente
Member-at-Large: Lauren Germann